Monday, June 6, 2011

tag-along engagement shoot

day 266:

today i got the opportunity to tag along on a photo shoot.

ok it was matt and julia's engagement shoot, so i don't know how they could have said no to my tagging along!

the amazing katie slater let me shoot alongside her. and i couldn't be more grateful.

i had so much fun. it was nice to have people to take pictures of. if you think you're sick of seeing pictures of the dog, imagine how she feels every time i stick my camera in her face.

but i think the best part was being able to try out katie's lenses.

up until today i have only shot with my one lens. and i won't bore you with technical details, but let's just say that the lenses i got to use today were really cool.

i did some zooming in and out. some foreground background. you know, just the usual awesome photography stuff.

but i am exhausted. and it's late. so i do not have time to photoshop these photos at all. so i am just posting a few of my favorites.

with absolutely no editing whatsoever. 

hope you like them :)


Anonymous said...

mindy! they are fabulous!! love, love, love them! the first one with katie is so sweet! of course the couple you were shooting are pretty special ;)
mom XO

Sheila said...

thanks for tagging us along too - where were these taken??

Katie Slater Photography said...

so glad I got to see you!! :) you are more than welcome to try out my lenses anytime!!