Friday, June 24, 2011

bathing suit built for two

day 284:

unless you are a girl, you probably do not understand the anxiety of bathing suit season.

even girls that are "skinny" or "in shape" are not thrilled with getting into a bathing suit.

so on top of the regular insecurities that come with wearing a bathing suit, add the fact that this season i'll be wearing a maternity bathing suit.

if you normally look at your bathing suit clad self in the mirror and think "ugh"... add an extra 50 pounds... now what do you think?

well, today i bought bathing suit bottoms. i still need to find a top that i like, but at least i have bottoms. 

i am one step closer to owning a maternity bathing suit.

but still so very far away from putting it on in public.

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