Friday, June 3, 2011


day 263:

on wednesday, june 1st, a tornado touched down in my hometown.

i have wanted to drive in to the city to help, but since there is little i can do (being pregnant and all), i have avoided going. i don't want to show up and not be able to help. so part of me feels if i stay away then i won't feel helpless.

i do want to get some pictures... not because i want to be the kind of person that is nosey, or only there to stare, but because my camera has become such an important part of my life.

i always feel the urge to document everything that happens. to have a way to be able to look back and remember the details of my life. and to be able to share what happens in my life with my children.

perhaps i'll go tomorrow.

but tonight, my parents opened their home to anyone affected by the tornado. there was tons of food for everyone. so much food, that they are having everyone back again tomorrow for round two.

i know it's not the greatest picture, but the crowd was a little camera shy tonight. i guess that's what two days with no power will do to you.

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