Thursday, June 16, 2011

free at last

day 276:

to some, this may look like an ordinary folder... ok it probably looks like an ordinary folder to everyone but me.

but this is no ordinary folder. this is the folder that i keep my students' papers in.

this folder has papers in it from day 1 to day 180. 

but this year, day 177 and it's empty. every single scrap of paper has been graded and entered into the computer.

not only that, but i also graded every single final exam. which included about 30 multiple choice questions, a long composition, and two open response questions.

i was a grading machine. it was awful, but now it feels so good. 

this folder represents my summer freedom.

i do not have to grade another paper till next year. 

and there is no other feeling in the world quite like this.

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