Tuesday, June 28, 2011

new favorite toy?

day 288:

my cousin tiffany is so thoughtful.

she didn't want griffey to feel left out when i came home with lots of baby stuff, so she got griffey two dog toys.

funny thing is, when we put all the baby stuff in the dining room, i heard griff going through everything. i went in expecting to find her with some baby clothes ripped to shreds, but instead i found her with one of her new dog toys. out of everything in that room, she found the one thing she was allowed to have.

i was afraid that, like all other toys, the duck would get torn to shreds in a matter of minutes. but no. griffey loves this duck. she has been playing with it for the last three days and has not ruined it. i still believe that this duck's days are numbered, but in the meantime, it seems to be bringing hours of fun to griff.

as for the other toy tiffany gave... i'm keeping it as backup. once the duck bites the dust, i will bring out the other toy. and see just how long that one will entertain her.

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