Monday, June 20, 2011

summer reading: part two (redemption)

day 280:

the last time i wrote about summer reading i was shamefully admitting that i didn't do it.

this time, i am writing to tell you that i am excited about my summer reading.

next year i will be teaching three new books. two of them i have read, a thousand splendid suns and pride and prejudice (not pictured). the third one, the other wes moore, i have not read 

i really love the first two, and am excited to re-read a thousand splendid suns

and i am equally excited to read the other wes moore. i have heard so many good things about the book.

it is a true story about two boys that grew up just blocks away from each other in baltimore. they have with the same name and very similar upbringings, yet one ends up a rhodes scholar and the other ends up in jail for murder. 

the book, written by wes moore,  explores how two kids so similar can end up completely different.

tim was eyeing it... i'm afraid if i don't start it soon, he will get to it before me!


Anonymous said...

saw wes moore on oprah. sounds like an interesting story.

Switzer-land said...

I started reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, pretty intense!