Monday, June 27, 2011

sweet ride

day 287:

i promise, i won't take a picture of every single thing that was given to me for my baby shower... i wouldn't have enough days left to fit them all in anyways.

but i do want to blog about this beautiful stroller.

for a couple of reasons...

one, it is one of my favorite things. it took me a while to pick out exactly which stroller i wanted. and let me tell you, it wasn't easy. there was a lot of different strollers, and i didn't really know anything about them... but when i finally narrowed it down, i felt great about it. it is the most perfect stroller. ever.

the other reason i want to blog about it is because the wonderful tina put it together. when my awesome friends came back to the house to help unload my gifts (because my husband was away for the weekend), tina decided she wanted to put the stroller together. and julia and i decided it was more fun to watch tina, than to help her.

so thanks to my in-laws for an awesome gift, and thanks to tina for putting it together. by herself.

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