Wednesday, June 8, 2011

sweet 13

day 268:

today was my friend destiny's 13th birthday.

destiny's house was hit by the tornado. so there is a lot going on in her life. luckily her house wasn't hit too bad, and she has already moved back in, but still, there has been a lot going on...

so we thought it would be nice to do something for her at youth group tonight. just a little something to make her day special.

the wonderful alexis made cupcakes!

and i'm telling you, if you ever need cupcakes for anything, alexis is the person to ask. alexis is going to go into business selling her desserts someday. hopefully sooner than later because the world needs her desserts. she is super talented. 

and tonight, the cupcakes were perfect for our special 13 year old :)

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