Monday, July 4, 2011

pool party: take two - 4th of july

day 294:

different pool, different day. same old fun.

at today's impromptu pool party, griffey learned how to fetch a ball from the pool.

she is a little chicken, and doesn't like to jump into the deep end to get the ball, although she runs to the edge and squats like she wants to jump, but never does.

but she loves to go in the shallow end because she can slowly get in using the stairs.

so we spent the entire day by the pool, and by the time we left griffey was so exhausted that she fell asleep in the car on the way home and has been sleeping ever since.

she had so much fun.

i think my favorite part was when she would get out and shake off. so i have posted the progression of the shake off.

the last one is my favorite.

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