Wednesday, July 27, 2011

happy birthday to me

day 317:

well... today was my birthday. and it was a big one...


it doesn't really feel very different being 30. i know a lot of people that don't want to admit their age when they hit 30. but for me it doesn't really matter. i haven't really thought much of it.

some people go all out to celebrate this birthday, but me... i didn't have big plans. i spent the day with family and friends, but nothing extravagant... 

first off, maeve had a dr's appointment. they had to weigh her because she hasn't been gaining weight very well. and this was probably the best part of the day because when they weighed her she had gained 10 ounces since last week. woo hoo!!

then my parents came over and gave me a beautiful bracelet.

then i went to my brother's (and julia's) house for a cookout. and my wonderful husband surprised me with a cake.

all in all it was a great day. nothing extravagant, but that wouldn't be me. just a great day all around.

thanks to all of you that called/texted/facebooked me to say happy birthday. you all made my day a little brighter.

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