Wednesday, July 6, 2011


day 296:

sometimes i get frustrated because we seem to have a lack of commitment in the youth group.

however, my frustration is not with the kids, but with the parents.

i know youth group is fun, and it might not seem like church, but it is church. church that kids can enjoy. church where kids can learn about God in a way that they can understand... in a way that is relevant to their lives.

it's really simple, if you want your kid to go to church, you need to bring them to church. 

sorry for the rant. 

on another note... over the summer we seem to have even less kids in youth group because of vacations and what not, so we plan different events on wednesdays.

this wednesday was mini golf.

and even though i was a little disappointed at the turnout (3 kids) it was a blast.

two of the girls said they had never been mini golfing. NEVER BEEN!! i couldn't believe it. i was so glad to be there. to be able to share in their first mini golf experience. they had so much fun. 

watching them play made me realize that despite my frustration (which could be just hormones) it is all worth it... despite the 90 degree heat... despite being 9 months pregnant... it was totally worth it.

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