Friday, July 8, 2011

one down... one million to go...

day 298:

my mom came over today to help me go through all the stuff from the shower, and everything else i have collected along the way.

i feel a little more organized.

one thing i did today was wash all the baby clothes.

it took two loads to wash everything. i don't think i am prepared for all the washing. you see, i don't do laundry that often. i have a lot of clothes... too many, but don't tell my husband that i'm admitting to that. so i don't have to do laundry that often because i always have something to wear.

and for those that don't already know how weird tim and i are... we do our own laundry. i have my own basket and he has his. when he needs clothes clean, he does them himself (thanks mary ann for teaching him to do his own chores).

we never do laundry for each other... 

but what about the baby stuff? this one will be interesting. i'm sure we will take turns, but it's weird. it's unknown territory. 

to be completely honest, it's not just tim's clothes that i don't want to mix with... i don't want to mix my clothes with the babies either. and if tim were to do the laundry, i think it would bother me if he mixed his clothes with the babies.

i know, i have laundry issues. it's not that i don't want my pants mixing around with other peoples shirts... it's just that it seems like it would be a pain to sort them after they come out. 

if i had to do all the laundry, i would rather wash each person's clothes separately and fold them separately, than mix them together and sort them afterward. 

the funny thing is, i don't really care about separating the whites and the colors. i just throw them all in together. 

i know. i have issues.

but i will tell you this... as soon as that baby can reach the lid of the washing machine (on a stool of course), he/she will be doing his/her own laundry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too many yellow pieces of clothing!!!! I can't wait to hear its a girl so I can buy pinks and purples!! Lol and if its a boy then blues it guess ;)