Tuesday, July 5, 2011

dinner guest

day 295:

i know the pics are blurry, but i was sitting across the room when out of the corner of my eye i spied this little sneaker.

griffey was sleeping at my feet and i knew if i got up to get a better shot that i would risk waking griffey up and scaring the mouse away.

so i shot from across the room. and that little mouse had a lot of nerve.

he kept coming back to griffey's dish, helping himself to her food and then running back under the radiator for cover.

but then one time griffey heard the food in her dish move. and just as she looked up she saw the little dinner guest. and she bolted towards her dish.

it was pretty funny.

but i'm so frustrated. i thought i got the mouse. apparently there is more than one...

1 comment:

mlongo said...

or its the ghost of the mouse you murdered haunting ur kitchen!!!