Thursday, July 14, 2011

going home

day 304:

we got discharged today. it's a little hard to believe that they just let you leave with this perfect little human being.

i mean, i know she's ours, but... they just let you walk out with a baby. there's no test to see if you are a good parent... they just let you leave.

and let me tell you... there should have been a test to see if we knew how to install the car seat. actually, it wasn't the installation that was tricky, it was disconnecting the seat from the base that was a complete enigma. 

two people with masters degrees + one baby that came three weeks early = not being ready to use the car seat. 

eventually we figured out which button released the seat, but it took some time.

one thing that i was prepared for was what the baby would wear home. 

uncle matt and aunt julia got this t-shirt for the baby for christmas. as soon as i saw it i knew that whether the baby was a boy or a girl, it would be wearing this shirt home.

you see, i have a sweatshirt... it says WNEC across the front... and i wear it A LOT.

i wear it so much there is a running joke with my friends. they ask if it's new... or where i got it... or they make compliments on how nice it looks. some have even named it old faithful.

so julia and matt thought that the baby needed an old faithful. so what better to come home in than that.

at least i was prepared for one thing with the baby.

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