Monday, July 18, 2011

the great bottle experiment

day 308:

i couldn't decide which bottle to use. there are literally hundreds of choices.

so i was doing research on different bottles and came across an article that said i should buy a few different kinds and use them all at first, then determine which bottles the baby and i like best.

well, maeve is pretty easy. she likes all her bottles.

so i narrowed it down to dr. brown's. but now i have to decide if i want plastic or glass.

i know this may seem like a silly thing... i use plastic for everything, but when it comes to this tiny little person looking up at me while she eats, i can't help but be worried that plastic bottles aren't safe enough.

i know that there are BPA free bottles now, but i am still concerned that there are bad things getting into her formula. i don't even know what kind of things... just bad ones.

so i am leaning towards the glass bottles, but it's hard because when you heat them they get really hot!

i'm sure 90% of you don't care about this ridiculous concern, but it was on my mind, and it's my blog.

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