Friday, July 1, 2011

more than meets the eye

day 291:

these figurines have been on tim's dresser since the day i gave them to him.

funny story...

tim and i began hanging out the summer of 2007. we had worked together that school year, but had never hung out. it wasn't until the summer that we actually hung out. 

on his birthday, i asked him if he wanted to go to this house where tina was house sitting. i told him there was going to be a few people over, hanging out by the fire.

well, that was all a lie. sort of... you see, tina and i were there, and had not yet invited anyone over... and we didn't exactly own a fire pit either.

but as soon as tim agreed to come over, tina and i ran to target to get a fire pit, and invited a few people over to hang out.

by the time tim got there, he had no idea i had thrown it all together, just to have something fun to do on his birthday.

i topped off the evening with a little ice cream cake from friendly's (and we all sang happy birthday, which tim says was really awkward. hahaha). on top of the cake, i put two little transformers figurines. because we were supposed to go see the movie transformers together once it came out.

who would have thought that i would be sitting here four years later... married to tim... pregnant with our first child...

happy 30th birthday tim. i love you. and i can't wait to see transformers three with you :)


Caroline said...

Hey, though I wasn't there, I remember that:) Happy Birthday Tim!

Anonymous said...

great title.