Tuesday, April 5, 2011

... without shoes

day 204:

a while back i posted a picture of TOMS shoes... 

"millions of children grow up without shoes and at risk of infection and disease. One Day Without Shoes is the day we take off our shoes to raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child's life."

TOMS shoes started this global initiative a few years back, and each year it gains more attention.

i didn't go without shoes today. i wish i did, but i kept making excuses and ultimately wore my shoes.

however, i wanted to do my part and help raise awareness... so the least i could do was go "one day" on my blog without shoes.

i hope people stop and think how lucky we all are to be able to wear shoes. every. single. day.

1 comment:

Caity Welz said...

at wsc, i had to do a sociology project about social norms, so i didn't wear shoes for a whole day in november, and recorded everyone's reactions. it was interesting.