Wednesday, April 13, 2011


day 212:

i have taken pictures of a few different pairs of shoes. however... these shoes are amazing.

remember my cute red shoes i took a picture of?? yeah, i don't think i could make it an hour in those shoes anymore.

being pregnant has changed my fashion priorities. as in, comfort first - fashion last.

at the end of every day my feet are KILLING me. and i am on my feet constantly while i'm at work.

it didn't matter what shoes i wore... birkenstock, dansko, whatever. at the end of the day, my feet were spent.

until yesterday that is.

i pulled out my "workout shoes" (and i use that phrase loosely). i thought, if they are comfortable to workout in, they might be comfortable to be pregnant in.

boy was i right. two days straight with no sore feet.

nike free, you complete me.

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