Friday, April 15, 2011

play ball

day 214:

it really feels like spring when you sit outside and watch a baseball game.

and today was the perfect day to do just that.

i really like this picture, but i'm kinda far away... you see, i don't like to sit near the parents. it's not that i don't like the parents, i just don't want to hang out with them.

the parents' job is to complain about the game, the coach, the playing time... whatever... and seeing as i'm married to the coach, i don't want to hear it.

of course not all parents are like this, but still, i'd rather just play it safe.

so i sit as far away as possible. relax. enjoy the sun and the game. perfect.

1 comment:

Caroline L said...

I know! I learned this lesson when Kris was coaching for the Rec league in Belchertown. I used to get so angry at the parents, but then I realized that I would have so much more fun if I sat on the other side of the field :) Smart move.