Saturday, April 30, 2011

bowling for two

day 229:

a few of us went bowling tonight. and let me say, we had a blast.

however, being pregnant made bowling a little interesting.

i had to try and find a ball light enough to throw, but with finger holes big enough for my fat fingers.

i ended up using a ball that was too heavy. i'll probably be sore in one arm tomorrow.

however, i did end up getting a turkey... sort of.

ps. sheri is such a hot, skinny mom, she can wear her 11 year old son's clothes... i hope someday i will be able to wear my kids clothes too. i know i'm pregnant, but i'm sick of gaining weight!

1 comment:

housefullof6 said...

Youre crazy but I love you :) BTW those are my new fave jeans now, I will wear them every day!