Friday, April 29, 2011

the royal birthday

day 228:

today is an historical day.

it's griffey's first birthday!!! 

we spent the afternoon outside chasing birds. well, i sat in a lawn chair, soaking up the sun, while griffey ran after birds.

then we came inside and she relaxed on the couch with me until tim got home from baseball.

that's when she finally got to open her presents. she actually got excited her presents. she loved tearing apart the paper and getting her new toys.

unfortunately, the purple bone only made it a few minutes before she ripped it apart.

the ball, at least, made it through the night.

thanks griffey for making my life just a little better. i can't imagine life without you. well, actually, i can... 

it would have no dog hair. and no trips outside in inclement weather for unproductive bathroom breaks.

it would have no chewed socks. and no smudge marks on the windows.

it would have no incessant barking. and no relentless ball playing.
but more importantly, it would have no kisses. and no running to greet me.

it would have no snuggling. and no company.  

it just wouldn't be the same. griffey, you enrich our lives. 

happy, happy birthday.

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