Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ten eyck tuesday

day 211:

today i went to a photo workshop. it was a christmas present from my parents, and it was by far the best present ever.

the workshop was given by the wonderful carla ten eyck. and i can't even begin to explain how much i learned... besides Fstops, ISO, and aperture mean nothing to you (well to most of you).

i was a little nervous at first. the three other girls at the workshop have all done professional work. like done people's weddings and stuff. i was like, "i've taken pictures of my dog...".

but i left the workshop feeling better. i thought i did pretty good. i guess i never had anything to compare my shots to... and my shots were definitely comparable to the others'. 

so, here's the overview... first we met with carla and discussed some important things to keep in mind while shooting. 

then we got to go shoot. AMAZING. there is nothing like hands on experience. you can't learn how to get awesome photos if you are not using your camera.

we took pictures of a local band. the awakening. they were great sports. letting all of us take our time and be creative.

to wrap up the day, we went back to carla's studio and critiqued our photos. what worked and didn't work with each shot. this part of the day was invaluable. 

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