Friday, April 22, 2011

just call me martha stewart

day 221:

i am in charge of dessert at the balut easter dinner. so i thought i would try a new recipe.

i decided on an apple and pear crisp. 

now, let me just preface this story with the fact that this dessert came out amazing, and i can't wait to taste it.

the recipe called for 6 apples and 4 pears, peeled, cored, and sliced. this took me a lot longer than i wanted it to, and at one point the paring knife slipped and i cut myself.

so i had to take a medical break.

then the recipe called for lemon and orange zest. which i did look for at the grocery store... but learned that it is not something you buy, but make from the peel of the fruit.

so i learned how to zest a lemon and an orange... without a zester... because why would i own one of those. 

but, i think the most frustrating part was my hand mixer. in order to make the crumble stuff that goes on top, i was supposed to mix on low... but "low" on my amazing mixer was way too fast, and flour and oatmeal and butter started flying everywhere.

then when i went to put everything into the baking dish, it didn't fit. which wasn't a huge deal because i had a bigger one, but it was one extra dish to wash.

to top everything off, when i was cleaning up, i put the dishes in the sink to wash by hand and i knocked over a wine glass that also needed to be washed... it broke.

i'm pretty sure that martha stewart doesn't run into this many obstacles in her kitchen... but like i said, the dessert looks and smells amazing. i cannot wait to eat it!!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

P.S. If you ever have to do the crumble stuff again, either use a pastry cutter or cut it up with two knives. You like criss-cross the knives. That sounds weird, but it works really well.