Monday, April 4, 2011

tv off - book open

day 203:

lately i have opted for reading a book instead of watching tv.

i love to read... obviously. but i noticed that when i would get home from work i would be so tired, i would plop my pregnant body on the couch and see what was on tv. and let me tell you, there is nothing on tv. law and order reruns maybe, but that's it.

so i decided that i was going to get back into my old reading habits. unfortunately, now i have too many books going at once... sometimes, i can't decide which one to pick up. 

but, the best part is, i have always been able to read through anything. so if the tv is on because tim is watching sports, i can still read. if the dog is bringing me her ball to throw, i can still read... and throw the ball for her. once i get into a story, i get into a zone, and nothing around me distracts me.

except sleep. sometimes, my eyes get so heavy i just have to put the book down and close them.

i tried to do a cool, foreground/background shot here, but you can't really tell that it's the tv in the background. it kinda just looks like a black rectangle.

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