Tuesday, April 26, 2011

green thumb

day 225:

i don't have a green thumb... or at least i don't know if i do or not because i've never really tried gardening anything.

i'm just not really into it. i mean, don't get me wrong, i think gardens are beautiful, and i would love lots of flowers in my yard, i just don't want to take care of a garden.

when i was younger, my grandmother and i planted flowers behind our house. there were sunflowers and asters and some others i can't remember... they were beautiful... but she was really the one taking care of them.

maybe some day i will have the time and energy to plant and tend a garden.

but for now, i will enjoy the one flowering plant i have on my entire property. a little bush that i don't even know the name of.


Switzer-land said...

if it's a little shrub it's an azelea.

Switzer-land said...

Azalea. sorry.