Tuesday, April 19, 2011

it's because we love you

day 218:

here is a follow-up post...

we purchased a shock collar. i suppose technically it's called a remote training collar, but let's be honest. the "correction" that is sent from the remote to the collar is a shock.

not a big shock... like the one griffey got when she touched the horse fence next door. that shock made her fur smell singed.

it's just a little shock to get her attention.

hopefully this will deter her from running away and chasing cars. hopefully it will not only help keep her under control, but it will also keep her safe.

sorry griff, but i love you too much. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aaawww. you're right, though. it is for her safety! we love her too. she's smart and will catch on quickly. good investment.