Thursday, March 10, 2011

sweet ride

day 178:

if you are following, then you know about my awesome day at the DMV. so to update you on the story...

my car failed inspection, and i had to get it fixed. luckily, while my car was at the shop, i was able to drive my father-in-law's car. 

but as i walked through the parking lot and into work this morning, i noticed something. i don't know why i didn't realize it before today, but alas there it was...

ms. pava's car. parked in the handicap spot. ms. pava's tan buick... the exact same car as me.

*a side note: to those that don't know ms. pava, there is really no describing her. words would not do her justice. however, i will say that she looks like she is 90, and she still subs at our school. also, this post is in no way meant to make fun of ms. pava, only to make fun of myself. the suggestion that i am synonymous with a 90 year old woman, is enough to make any one laugh.. whether you know ms. pava or not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm amazed that Ms. Pava is still there! That poor woman is put through the ringer!