Friday, March 11, 2011

fail = who cares?

day 179:

so... i know you might be sick of my DMV story, but i have GOT to share what happened today.

my car failed emissions, so i had to have it fixed. i got it back last night and went to get it tested again today (so that i can officially register it) and they said i have to drive it for 150 miles after it's fixed so the car can reset itself... or something like that.

i explained that i needed it to pass emissions so that i could register it, and the guy told me just to bring the "fail" report to the DMV, and that they would let me register with that.

i didn't believe the guy. why would they make you get an emissions test in order to register if they don't care if you pass?

well, he was right. i went to the DMV and the lady took the "fail" report and processed my registration. i told her i got the car fixed... i asked if i needed to prove it... she said it didn't matter.

apparently the state of connecticut doesn't really care about clean air... they just want my $20.00 for the test.

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