Monday, March 14, 2011

keepin it classy

day 182:

do not make fun. i do not care if you like my watch or not.

all day long, i look at my watch. wether it is to see how much time is left in the period, or to write the time on a pass for a student... i always need to know the time.

and the clocks in the school don't work, so the watch is all i've got.

so i have been wearing a sport watch every day. a digital, plastic band, sport watch. then i got to thinking... this sport watch doesn't really go with my work clothes. i'm dressed for work, but my wrist looks like it's going to the gym.

that is when i began the hunt for a digital watch with a silver band. i want it to look nice, but i want to be able to tell the time in less than a second. it's more efficient that way.

unfortunately, the watches i was finding were men's, and they were very bulky. but then i found it. at target. the perfect watch.

who cares if it looks like an old man's watch.

*and as a side note, i wear my watch upside down, so it really just looks like a silver bracelet. i just took the picture this way, because it looked funny upside down.

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