Thursday, March 3, 2011

airing my dirty laundry

day 171:

as i have said many times over, my husband is amazing.

and one thing that i love, is that he has not mentioned the pile of clothes on the floor outside of my dresser.

i will be honest, i used to be very messy. my room always looked like a bomb went off. but since i have been married, since i have been sharing a room with someone, i have been super clean. never a mess in my room.

so let me explain. now that i do not fit into many of my clothes, i have been forced to buy new clothes, maternity clothes. and those clothes, do not have anywhere to go. i need to empty out my dresser and my closet and put the new wardrobe in them.

but until then... thanks to my husband for being patient. i will get it done. i swear.

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