Monday, March 21, 2011

baby's first pictures

day 189:

today i had my first (and probably only) ultrasound.

normally i can't see anything when people show off their ultrasound pictures, but today i saw everything clearly. 

everything except gender that is ;)

the first picture is of the baby's profile. and it is with the regular old ultrasound technology.

but the second one, which amazes me to look at, is with the new (or fairly new) 3D ultrasound. and as you can clearly see, it is of the baby with its arm up in front of its face.

i know it's still a little blurry in spots, but i love it. i can't wait to meet this little person.

and this baby better get used to being on the blog, because i have a feeling once it's here, there will be many more pictures :)


Anonymous said...

beautiful grandbaby XXXOOO

Switzer-land said...

You gotta show Mrs. Crinella and she will predict the sex.

Caroline said...

YEAH!! I love the 3-D images.

Andie said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I can see it now! I just stared at the 3-D picture for like 10 minutes because I was pretty bummed I couldn't figure out what you were showing me! But I see now! SO SWEET! And to think I thought maybe there were two in there, haha!