Wednesday, March 9, 2011

baby mango

day 177:

i visit a couple of different pregnancy websites daily. and on these websites there is a way to track the growth of your baby.

for some reason they compare the size of the baby to various pieces of produce. 

and if you ask matt longo, he thinks that the size isn't consistently getting bigger, but in fact fluctuates from week to week.

like one week it went from a peach to a lemon... i guess lemons are longer cause they're kinda oval shaped, but i'm with matt, i always pictured peaches bigger than lemons.

well, i am at week 19 now, and this week the baby is the size of a mango.

that kinda scares me, cause a mango is big... and matt will be upset if it's a smaller fruit next week.

1 comment:

Switzer-land said...

at one point the boy was the size of a jicama. i have no idea how big that is.