Wednesday, March 2, 2011

baby business

day 170:

i had an interesting conversation with my faves tonight... a new trend with pregnancy photos. how much is too much?

anyway, i can kind of see both sides of the argument... i understand why people do it, but i also understand why it can be a little much.

at any rate, i have started a baby book. not quite into, or ready, for pregnancy photos. but i have started documenting my pregnancy in words. not pictures, just words.

1 comment:

jill egan said...

I can totally understand not wanting to post pictures of your new belly online for everyone to see. BUT even if you don't show them to anyone other than who you are comfortable with, I can almost guarantee that you'll want them for the future. I also had a pregnancy journal that left space for a picture of the belly each week. I DREADED Tuesdays, the day that Mike would hunt me down for that picture. But, two years later, I loved being able to look back and compare bellies in both of my pregnancies. And Anna has loved looking through the book with me, wondering, "Is that ME in your belly?". I don't think you'll ever regret taking the pictures and having them, but you may regret not having them. You'll never have your first pregnancy again. (sorry if I'm ranting...I'm starting to feel nostalgic). Just my thoughts...take 'em or leave 'em :)