Sunday, March 6, 2011

baby bump

day 174:

so i got to thinking about my post a few days ago... i am all for documenting my ever growing belly.

but i am not for documenting it the way some people do. take for example kourtney kardashian. she has a naked picture of her pregnant... and it's hanging in her mother's bedroom. now that's just too much for me.

but to each her own.

however, i did realize that i had only taken one picture of my belly, and it was very early on. for someone who takes pictures every day, that is unacceptable.

so i am going to be more diligent in taking pictures of my journey to motherhood. i won't necessarily post them all on here, but i will definitely take them.


jill egan said...

such a cute belly :)

Anonymous said...

great pic, min. i love that baby belly!


Caroline said...

did tim take off his own post? You do look stinkin' cute.