Monday, March 7, 2011

not happy!

day 175:

my dog is very strange.

we have crate trained her since the day we brought her home. she started off being in there only at night, but once we went back to work she was in during the day too.

at first my dad would come over and let her out around lunch time, to break up the day, but since like october she has been in the crate all day while we are at work. with no problems.

and then today i came home and she was sitting in the corner of her crate, trying to stay away from her pee. it was all over most of the bottom of the crate, and consequently her.

so, she had to have a bath. and she was not happy. 

afterwards she kept giving me these looks, like she was mad at me. and then i was sticking my camera in her face, so that didn't help.

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