Sunday, February 6, 2011

you're the best

day 146:

not that i want my blog to turn into a place for me to brag about how amazing my husband is, but he always seems to do things that make me so happy.

this winter has been brutal (obviously). but you know what, it's been pretty easy for me.

tim does everything. and it seems like he is out there every single day. 

if he's not shoveling or snow blowing, then he is on the roof or chopping ice. and once he is done with all that, then he has the chore of stacking the wood by the house. 

today he helped clear snow from the roof at church, and then came home to continue working at the house.

i am so thankful that i can stay inside in my warm house, while he takes care of everything else.

(and did i mention that he cleaned the whole house yesterday?)

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