Wednesday, February 9, 2011

what is wrong with me?

day 149:

i would like to think that i take my christmas decorations down in a timely fashion.

i don't take them down on december 26th, but i don't wait till january 26th either. 

however, it seems like i somehow manage to forget one decoration up every year. 

last year it was the framed snowman cross stitch thingy that hung by the back door. it literally made it till the summer before i even realized that i missed it.

this year it is the basket in the bathroom.

however, just like the snowman, after i realized i forgot it, i didn't do anything

i mean, i could pack it up, but all the decorations are already put away. i guess i could stash it under the sink until next christmas... which is more likely than me putting it where it belongs.

but for now, i'll just leave it.

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