Friday, February 25, 2011

home movies part deux

day 165:

tonight we went to watch a few home movies from my side of the family.

tim got to see me take some of my first steps, tell a story about a rock in baby gibberish, pick my wedgie on the beach, and play piano at a recital. (in that chronological order). 

however, the best video of the night was not of me at all. it was of my awesome cousin derek. he was just a little tike, singing in a church kids choir.

but let me tell you. he had allllll the hand motions down pat. he was, by far, the star of the show. his singing was pretty amazing too.

i laughed so hard, at one point i couldn't breathe. i was glad when each song would end so that i could catch my breath.

what a great family movie night.

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