Saturday, February 26, 2011

heat please

day 166:

we have been trying to save money.

and one way we do that, is by keeping the heat off. 

last year we spent a TON of money on propane, so this year (as pictured before), tim installed a wood stove.

however, for reasons too long to explain in one blog page, we have a bunch of wet wood.

this wet wood makes it very difficult to make a fire. usually tim is in charge of that, but because he was out all day, i tried to make the fire myself...

and i failed miserably.

so i dug out the old heat dish (which we got last year when our heat was broken, but that is a completely different story).

let me tell you, this heat dish throws some serious heat. griffey and i sat right in front of it all day. actually, most of the day, griff was on the floor right in front of it. she was so close, i was afraid her fur was going to go up in flames.

in order for you to fully appreciate the heat situation, i have taken a picture of the heat dish, and the dog in front of it (not nearly as close as she was earlier), and of course the wet wood drying in front of the fire that tim is nursing.

we could just turn the heat on, but that would mean spending money. instead, i'll sit in my housecoat... and slippers... with a blanket... in front of the heat dish.

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