Wednesday, February 2, 2011

pay it forward

day 142:

i have had plenty of friends get pregnant.

but i never thought to buy one of them a gift, or send a card to say congratulations.

i always just said congrats and left it at that. if i was invited to a shower then i brought a gift.

but now that i am pregnant, i am realizing how nice it is to give a little gift or a card. of course it's not expected, but it is something that makes you feel special.

i have some mom (and dad) friends who know this, and in turn have made me feel special.

thanks to the switz for sending me a gift at work and making my day.

thanks to caroline for sending me a gift all the way from utah. i miss you!

thanks to pete, meg, paul and jess for giving us a gift when we came to visit.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

You're welcome! We hope you like it!