Wednesday, February 23, 2011

anything for you

day 163:

yesterday i called tim from across the street and asked if he would come out and move the recycling bin so that i could pull in the driveway. i didn't want to have to get out of the car, move the bin and then get back in.

then later that afternoon, i yelled from the upstairs bathroom and asked if he would come upstairs and bring me a towel, since i failed to get one before i got in.

so tonight, when he called me from hampshire regional high school, in westhampton, and told me that he locked himself out of the car, of course i drove out to bring him the little clicker to unlock his doors.

and in all seriousness, i didn't mind. he does everything for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm. i think he still owes you.