Monday, February 21, 2011

i love thai (and apparently sleep)

day 161:

well... i'm an idiot.

i forgot to blog last night. 160 days without forgetting, and then it happened... sleep was the only thing on my mind and i went to bed without blogging. without even taking a picture for that matter.

i thought about lying to all my fans, saying that there must have been a problem with the website, but i just couldn't.

so here's what happened... i was up late the night before, was up early that morning, drove out to amherst for dinner at the hanger (which was amazing), hung out way too late, got home and went straight to bed.

this morning, when people were wondering about my missing blog, was the first time that it crossed my mind.

to say that i am disappointed is an understatement. i really wanted to make it one year without missing a post, but now that's not gonna happen...

so my plan is to go one extra day at the end of my year. that way i still have 365 posts. 

at any rate... here is today's post.

we had thai/chinese/sushi for dinner tonight. one of my favorite parts about getting asian food is that it always comes with a fortune cookie. 

i know it's silly, but it amazes me that they can make cookies with paper inside. i mean, seriously, how do they do it??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't worry min...your fans still love you! XXXOOO