Tuesday, February 15, 2011

flowers make me smile

day 155:

funny story.

tim comes in yesterday with flowers. and i am thinking to myself, "ohhh, how sweet, flowers."

so i kiddingly say to him, "awe, someone got you flowers today?!". he looks at me funny as he puts them on the counter and says, "yeah, it's kinda weird, this woman at work gave them to me."

now i feel dumb because i assumed they were for me, but then i start thinking, "yeah, that is weird", so i ask, with a slightly irritated tone, "who did you say gave them to you?"

and he just calmly says, "no one, they're for you." so, now i feel dumb for believing him. 

but i got over that pretty quick, cause they were so beautiful.

i have never really been much of a flower person... but i could get used to having fresh flowers in my kitchen.

they brighten it up, and they smell amazing.

and i must say, that i definitely like the "wild" flowers over roses. it makes it seem like someone picked them fresh from their garden.

and with all this snow, the feel of a fresh garden is just what i need to brighten my day.

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