Thursday, January 13, 2011

snow day #2

day 121:

i have been wearing the same clothes for the last two days.

and by clothes i mean sweats.

why change you clothes if you don't have to go anywhere? you know, like, why make your bed when you're just going to get in it again in a few hours... why change your pjs when you are just going to get back into them in a few hours.

at any rate, griff and i sat around and did nothing... that is until griff caught the scent of the mouse we have.

yes, we have a mouse. we have set traps, but it is really smart. i have only seen it once, but i have heard it a few times.

well, today griffey must have seen it because she shot up from her nap in front of the fire, and would not stop trying to get behind the entertainment center.

this lasted a better part of the afternoon.

at least it was more interesting to watch than daytime television. 

i mean, there are only so many episodes of law and order that one can watch.

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