Wednesday, January 26, 2011

slippers galore

day 135:

i'm surprised i haven't posted about my wnec sweatshirt.

haven't heard of it? it's only the most important piece of clothing in my wardrobe.

i probably haven't posted a pic of it because i'm always wearing it.

however, the second most important thing in my wardrobe is my pair of slippers.

i wear them every single day... if not out of the house, definitely around the house.

but over the last year, i have ruined them. wearing them non-stop outside doesn't help.

so this year (thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law) i got a second pair. 

yes they are the exact same pair as the first ones. and i promise to try and take better care of them...

so here they are... old and new. 

1 comment:

Caroline said...

I think that's the exact pair Aaron got me for Christmas. I love them too.