Wednesday, January 19, 2011

funny story...

day 127:

you might be wondering why this log is sticking out of my snowbank. 

well, that's because i put it there... in order to put out the flames.

you see, it was my job to keep the fire going today. and normally i'm pretty good at it.

however, i may have slightly misjudged the size of this one particular log.

and as i tried and tried to force the log into the stove, i realized that it wasn't getting stuck on anything, it was just too big.

no big deal. just take it out and put one in that fits right? right. except for the fact that this log was already catching on fire.

so, i had to take the partially burning log and carry it (yes with gloves on mom) through the living room and the kitchen and out the door.

now it is safely extinguished in the snowbank.

crisis narrowly averted. 

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