Wednesday, January 5, 2011

do your job already!!

day 113:

this remote really irritates me.

as i have discussed with others (or at least with one other person), the cable button is not doing the job that it was created to do.

you see, the cable button is moody. it only lights up when it feels like it.

and no it's not the batteries. because sometimes when the cable button is not working i press all the other buttons to see if they are working, and they are.

it just doesn't want to light up.

i try all sorts of ways: i press it really hard and hold it down... i press it a lot of times all in a row... i try my left hand as well as my right hand... i sometimes even shake the remote, hoping that i will wake it up.

nothing works. it just lights up when it feels like it. no rhyme or reason. just completely random.

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