Tuesday, January 11, 2011


day 119:

well, i'm sure many of you know (but for those that don't) pregnant women have mood swings. and although they have not been too bad for me, i have had a few.

for example, tonight... i couldn't stop laughing.

you see, there was this little get-together... and alexis made cake pops. (which are amazing little cakes that are like lollipops).

and just as i was about to eat mine, i realized that it looked like my brother. well my brother in high school.

remember in the 90's when the bowl cut/ mushroom cut/ whatever you want to call it, was in style? everyone had it! including my brother.

well, i thought it was funny. so funny, that i could not stop laughing. so funny, that i did not eat the cake pop, but instead took it home so i could take a picture of it and blog about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are cracking me up!! i wish i could have heard it. auntie used to do the same thing!!