Sunday, January 30, 2011

girls girls girls

day 139:

we're not going to find out the sex of the baby.

we just thought that it would be fun to be surprised. 

but one thing is for sure, if we have a girl, she will fit right in.

although, ryan might like some more boy company!

today was renee's birthday party... and there was no shortage of skirts, dresses, pony tails, and girly accessories.

all the girls had to sit with each other while they ate. cause that's what girls do. they do everything together... and that doesn't change. take for example trips to public restrooms. girls never go alone.

i love the picture of natalie helping to blow out the candles. she didn't want it to be renee's birthday. she wanted it to be hers. happy "not" birthday natalie.

but my favorite was of the birthday girl. she's so sweet. happy birthday renee. i hope you had a blast!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Glad I was able to see what I missed - this blog is the best. Agree with being surprised - that is what I did, even tho your cousin could not wait - it is shocking when you hear, "It's a _____!" Also, you are beginning to sound like Carrie Bradshaw re: how girls do everything together! So true... memories of high school and now!