Saturday, January 15, 2011

i got caught

day 123:

well, i told you we had a mouse.

this morning, while still in her crate, griffey started barking like crazy.

tim got up to go see what her problem was. he didn't see anything, but when he let her out of the crate, she bolted to the wall and chased the mouse into the bathroom.

he proceeded to lock the two in the bathroom, but griffey couldn't find it so he went in (with gloves on) hoping to find it himself.

once he found it he told me he was going to let it go outside. i quickly objected and told him to kill it because if he just let it go it it might come back.

but apparently he is more humane than i am, because he decided to drive it down the street and let it go there.

i'm not lying. he literally drove the car, while holding the mouse in his hand, and dropped the little fella off at the end of the street.

when he came back, i told him that it would probably just freeze to death, but at least he tried to save it.

poor fella.


Anonymous said...

poor little guy is wincing cuz this pic was taken immediately after you said to kill him!!

housefullof6 said...

He is coming back, just so you know! He probably has his family in your house......we have tried to be humane before too. They multiply FAST :)